Sunday, 30 March 2014

Are You A Feminist?

I am a Feminist. I have been since I understood what it means, thanks to my sister. I am by no means an expert on Feminism, and I don't do as much as I should to promote it. But the reason why I wanted to make this blog post is because I am sick of having to correct my peers' ignorance on this topic, I shouldn't have to.
It's 2014 and some people still think that Feminism means 'man-hating'. The Oxford dictionary states feminism as “The advocacy of women’s rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes”.
Equality. Feminism is all about just that. It is a movement which hopes to improve issues in which women face in the modern world, in order to make the sexes equal. Yes, there are issues with men’s rights too, and nowadays those are fought alongside women’s rights because people realise that the sexes aren't equal.
People who say “I’m fed up with feminists thinking that ‘equality’ means that they have to have better rights than men” (actual quote from someone I know) are incorrect. They are talking about people who believe in matriarchy which, as defined by oxford dictionary, is “A system of society or government ruled by a woman or women”. 
These definitions are, obviously, not the same. But we need to help the ignorant realise that Feminism doesn't mean man-hating. Feminism is important because it is helping to create equality. I need Feminism because I shouldn't have to endure cat-calling in the street when I'm wearing my school uniform. From the age of 13/14, I have endured (albeit small) moments of street harassment. I have had female teachers call me a slut because my skirt is not knee-length. I have been taught that the way I dress will determine whether I deserve to be harassed, either verbally or physically. For these reasons, I am happy to call myself a Feminist. I am happy to correct the ignorance which gets thrown around on Facebook, Twitter or the Sixth Form common room. I hope that one day I will be able to say I'm a Feminist without getting criticism.
Apologies if I have stated something incorrectly, please tell me if so!
Thanks for reading,
Kitty x

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