Thursday, 8 May 2014


In honor of Red Cross/Red Crescent week, I wanted to talk about my experience with the Red Cross as a First Aid Volunteer, and how vital the skills they taught me are and have been.
If you didn't already know, The Red Cross is a volunteer-led humanitarian organisation that provides first aid training, emergency response, refugee support and help before and after natural disasters occur. They are an internationally recognised helpline for those in desperate need.

I began my time with Red Cross in March 2013, having previously learnt some first aid with another organisation. When I joined my local division, I just wanted to gain my first aid certificate to put on my CV for nursing, whilst getting some care experience. I had heard of them as an organisation before, mainly through jokes or adverts. Throughout the 4 months it took to complete my Event First Aid qualification I learnt so many valuable skills and met some incredible people. As a now qualified volunteer, I am able to commit to being part of First Aiders at events; in two weeks I will be attending Chatsworth Horse Trials!
Although I have and will do events in which I'll be an official First Aider, those aren't the only moments when I've needed to use my First Aid skills. I've had countless incidents at parties and festivals when I'm needed to help those who are overly drunk to be put to bed in the recovery position, as well sorting out burns and cuts.
There have also been more serious incidents when I've had to use my first aid skills. The other day, my boyfriend took an unexpected turn for the worse after sustaining an injury, and became dizzy and nauseous. Before I could talk through how he was feeling, he had collapsed and began to present symptoms of a seizure. I did all I could to calm him down and was prepared to call an ambulance; but thankfully it worked and he didn't fit. If it weren't for my Red Cross training, I wouldn't have been able recognise that he was close to having a seizure.

I've experienced first-hand how vital it is to have first aid training, and yet it still shocks me how many people lack the skills which could mean the difference between someone's life or death.
If you're interested in getting involved with the Red Cross (there are loads of opportunities!), then head to the link there and you'll find a really easy to use and helpful website. I can't praise them enough for how they've helped me, so I wholeheartedly recommend it.
Thanks for reading,
Kitty x

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