Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Shouting Back

As a naturally feisty person, I've always been up for an argument. As I grew up, I learnt from my sister how to stand my ground and not to let anyone (men or women) to make me feel uncomfortable or threatened. This was most prevalent on our walk to the bus stop when we'd get cat-called, or have snowballs thrown at us because our school uniform was different to the local school (I once got called a slut in my local shop). I learnt that instead of keeping my head down, sometimes you needed to stand up and be heard.
I started to use this more when I began to go out with friends to festivals, or to gigs etc. As a young woman, I am naturally subject to cat-calling. The worst one was when I was off to a gig and a guy followed me for a bit, asking if I wanted a lift to my destination. I told him politely to leave me alone, it didn't work, so I became less polite and told him to 'Fuck off'. It worked and (I think) that is because once these sleazy people realize that you will not take any shit, they leave you alone. It's awful, but it works.
Sadly, many people don't know or understand this. We (in particular, women) are taught by society that cat-calling is a compliment and that being groped in a club is only acceptable behavior if you're single. We are not taught to stand up for ourselves when it comes to street harassment.
One example of this is when I was on a school trip to Germany, and my best friend was being harassed (verbally) to donate money and he attempted to put his arm round her. She tried telling him to go away, but it didn't work until I shouted "Nein" at him. He ran away and stopped bothering us. When the school group reconvened, many other girls had the same person acting the same way and had no idea how to stop such behaviour.
Don't get me wrong, I completely understand that in the heat of the moment its difficult to say what you really mean- I completely understand that as I've been there. I have fended off unwanted attention by claiming I'm with my boyfriend (and once even girlfriend), therefore making it incredibly clear that I am not interested. But I shouldn't have to use being in a relationship an excuse to fend off inappropriate behaviour, and nor should anybody else. If you don't want to be groped, or cat-called then don't be afraid to speak up. Shout back.
Saying that if you don't speak up, you are still not to blame. Never let anyone try and tell you that because you didn't speak up, you are to blame. The person who made you feel uncomfortable or threatened is always to blame; they crossed your boundaries.
Don't be afraid, okay? If you want to speak up then do. Fight the bastards.
Feel free to share your experiences on here, or tweet/tumblr message me.
Thanks for reading,
Kitty x

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