Festivals- the best way to get drunk, muddy and listen to some fab bands. This year was my 5th year at the lovely
Y Not Festival and I had a super great time. So as a self-proclaimed festival guru, I shall provide my festival wisdom to prepare you for your festival adventure!
Only bring a tent that you can erect and dismantle. It's all very well being able to do it sober when you arrive but on the morning that you leave, you may actually be in a semi coma. Make sure you and your tent sharing buddies practice putting up and dismantling the tent (drinking is of course optional during this prep session.)
Bring wellies. If it rains and you don't, there is a strong chance you could get trench foot. Wellies will be your saving grace whether you're dancing to a band or stumbling over tent ropes to go for a drunken wee at 2am.
Plan which bands you have/want to see. I didn't do this one year and consequently missed one of my favourite bands who no longer tour (wah). If you make sure that you have a time telling device and a band timetable- you'll be fine!
Make friends with your neighbors! This year I made some really fab friends because I chatted to people camping near us, so it totally worked.
Don't be that dick who: get muddy and hugs people, throws beer during an act, forces someone to crowd surf or is rude to the Festival volunteers/staff/security.
Scout out the best toilets in order to (try) and avoid the fear factor of finding one not containing 8 diseases. Or, do what I did and just go for a sneaky wee behind the urinals because its quicker and easier than queuing.
Know your hangover cure. Hangovers at festivals are probably the worst (next to being hungover at work). I favour lining my stomach with carbs and taking travel sickness tablets before sleeping.
I hope you're now moderately prepared to spend several days in a field!
Thanks for reading,
Kitty x