Monday, 15 September 2014

How to Miss Your Best Friend

My best friend Darcy has been gone for 3 days now and I'm bored. I want her to leave university and come and play with me. So far, my attempts to miss her have been poor and have yet to guilt trip her into coming home so I have thought have some more inventive ways to do this.
If you also have a best friend who has selfishly gone to uni without you etc, feel free to read and get them to love you again.

Write a blog post about them- this shows that they are on your mind and will distract you from missing them so much.

Stalk them on all forms on social media- make sure that you get notifications every time they blog something on Tumblr, tweet, do anything on Facebook or put a picture on Instagram.

Find a way to slip them into every conversation that you have with someone who isn't them. For example, "What do you want for dinner" "Haha speaking of dinner Darcy went food shopping for uni! I miss her."

Mark your territory (not in that way)- Warn all their new friends that you are top dog and nobody else will even get close to your friend without passing a written test and a practical.

When you visit them, leave bits of your hair in their room.

Re-name pets after them.

Send them Snapchat videos of you serenading them.

Go to their parents' house and have a group cry about how much you miss them.

Okay I think that's enough. In all seriousness, its okay to miss your best friend. Just give them some space to settle in and stuff. Don't worry, they probably still love you.
Darcy if you're reading this, I hope you are both laughing and crying.
(Sorry about the lack of blog posts, I've been busy getting ready to leave for New Zealand!)

Thanks for reading,
Kitty x

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